Is now the right time to sell your home and move? Real Estate

PTSD from the pandemic market has left many homeowners at a stand still. With the market having changed so much and so quickly at times, it has left buyers and sellers just like you wondering if not is the right time for your next real estate move. If you are looking to move, the thought of selling your home for that move can seem daunting. But now may be the best time to sell your home and move into the next home!

Acquiring Equity

Real estate has long been a hedge of protection against inflation and financial ruin. With home appreciation, investing in real estate has saved many people from bankruptcy and other financial troubles by taking advantage of the equity accrued in their home. But that is not the only way that homeowners can use the equity in their home.

Equity can also be used to invest in your next property. With over ⅔ of homeowners having more than 50% equity in their home right now, that equity could be your ticket to your next home. That equity can be used toward a larger down payment on your next home, or could even have you buying your next home in cash.

Turning Into A Buyer

After you sell your home, you will likely be turning into a buyer, putting your equity to good use! The supply of homes over the last few years has left many feeling unable to purchase. If the price of a home has not scared you off, the lack of available homes may have done it instead. If you indeed sell your home, you will want a place to stay sooner rather than later. Waiting for the perfect home feels like it would take longer when fewer homes are up for grabs.

Compared to the pandemic years, the market is booming with inventory! There are plenty of people selling their homes all across the nation. This leaves you with many options depending on where you are looking to buy. 

Sell Your Home

Don’t let recent years scare you out of the real estate market today. If your dream house is for sale today, consider selling to ASDM Homes for a fast sale so you can quickly get into the house of your dreams. You can get 2025 started on the right foot in a new home. Selling to Eric with ASDM Homes requires no inspections, no repairs, no contingencies, and you can have your cash in hand in as little as seven days. If now is the right time to sell for your family, the market is ready for you! Connect with us today to get started!