Real estate agents! Do you have a cash buyer ready? They can make a difference in your next sale Real Estate

Working in the real estate market is no easy task.  The market ebbs and flows, changing week to week or year to year.  Your success in your job partially relies on the behavior of the market.  Interest rates, the season, inflation, and more all play a part in how many people are looking to do business with you. As the market changes, you as an agent are always adapting. You find new ways to best serve your clients and keep your business alive and kicking! With the market changes, it can feel like “change or die” every day in your business. You have taken classes, achieved designations, learned new skills, and got more experience under your belt over your years in real estate. As the market changes, it’s a good time to add another resource.  Working with a cash buyer and having that connection on hand can be a huge asset to your clients. To best serve them, sometimes it requires going outside of the mainstream

Benefits of Working With A Cash Buyer

Cash buyers can come in under a multitude of different circumstances. They can help sales that appear to be near impossible sells, or be a stand out offer among many.  Having cash buyers on hand can help you get great offers for your sellers and give them exactly what they need from their real estate transaction.

Speedy Sales When Doing A Cash Sale

Getting an offer accepted is only a small part of the process.  After that, you still have weeks to months until a sale could potentially close due to inspections, approvals, and contingencies.   A real estate transaction is rarely a speedy process.  Cash offers are different and can bypass much of the waiting period.  When working with a cash buyer, they already have the money to buy the house on hand, so you get to bypass approvals.  They will also often buy the house without any inspections.  These allow for a seamless sale that can be done as slow or as fast as needed!

Avoiding Contingencies When Working With A Cash Buyer

Speedy sales also means a lack of contingencies.  A cash buyer is not looking to have appraisals or inspections done on the house prior to closing. This will help you and your buyer avoid a number of pitfalls that can take place during escrow.  They don’t ask for repairs, look for buybacks or credits.  They are the most lay maintenance buyers you will work with.

Secure Cash Closings

When you are able to bypass all of the approvals and inspections, you also get some peace of mind.  Each step in the escrow process comes with a risk of the deal falling through.  The majority of your potential pitfalls are going to be on the buyer end.  With a cash buyer, you won’t have to worry about those potential issues!  With cash funding, you don’t have to worry about funding falling through if your appraisal is different than expected.  You won’t have to worry about something popping up in an inspection and the deal stopping dead in its tracks over something that’s found.  Accepting a cash offer allows you to have a sense of certainty that this deal will close when you want it to.

Opportunities for Distressed Properties

As an agent, your greatest goal is to serve all your clients as best as you can. There are some sales that simply are not meant to go on the market. Cash buyers are usually looking for houses like that, the ones that will struggle to have buyers get through the door to get an offer in.  Not only will this be an easier and cheaper process than putting the property up on the market, but there is someone out there who wants the house just the way it is! It will save you and your seller time and money to have it go to a cash buyer

Work With A Professional

At the end of the day, the transaction that you want is the transaction that will best serve your client.  You need to work with someone who truly understands how quickly your client needs the house sold, how much money you need from the sale, and all the accommodation you may need during the process.  

Eric with ASDM Homes is the go to guy for cash offers in San Joaquin and Stanislaus County.  Cash offers can help you sell a house quickly, for a fair price, without the need for repairs, inspections, or multiple showings.   Selling a house on the market can be a long and difficult process.  Selling your house does not have to be.

If a cash offer is what’s right for you, Eric with ASDM Homes is here to help! We can give a fair cash offer, help with all the details, and streamline the process to help get your listing sold and cash fast!  Contact Eric today to find out what you can get for your home and how quickly you can get that cash in hand!